The documentary series produced by NTRNZ media Oy has been described as groundbreaking and something everyone should watch. Untold Arctic Wars is a major scale, visual, international production that reveals new information.

We are used to looking at the events of history from the perspective of our own country. However, the Arctic War did not end at the borders of countries, it wiped over everything regardless of borders.

Anna-Reeta Eksymä, Producer and Screenwriter

Untold Arctic Wars, which airs on Yle Tv1 and Yle Areena in mid-February, is a new generation history documentary series that digs deep into the events of the Arctic in an unprecedented way. The series focuses on the big picture of the underexposed events in the Arctic and highlights significant new information and revelations. At the centre is the struggle of the great powers over who takes control of the region and its natural resources.

The program opens up a new understanding of how ruthlessly the great powers pursued their own interests in the Nordic countries. The episodes also reveal how the military histories of different countries are intertwined here in the north.

Anna-Reeta Eksymä, Producer and Screenwriter

Looking at current political events in the world, the series is more relevant than ever.  Many painful things related to military history have previously been brushed under the carpet.

The younger generations no longer have direct contact with the people who lived during World War II, and for the gloomy history not to repeat itself, these events must be addressed. Hopefully this series reminds every one of us of the reasons that led to this war.

Teemu Hostikka, Executive producer and Screenwriter

Untold Arctic Wars has generated exceptional international interest. Several international channels are excited about the fresh approach and the exceptional visuals of the series. In addition to Finland, the rights to the series have been sold to Sweden, Norway and Denmark, and TVF International, the largest distributor in the United Kingdom, is responsible for worldwide distribution. Sweden’s SVT lifted the series to primetime as soon as they saw the first episode. The feedback from Norway has also been exceptional.

Untold Arctic Wars looks excellent and interesting. It would be good for every Finn to see this in order to understand the complexity of things and dependencies in wars.

Ari Ylä-Anttila, Yle, Commissioning Editor

The series opens a whole new chapter in the history of Finnish non-fiction documentaries and withstands qualitative comparison with the best international productions. Already the opening theme captivates you and what follows will not let you down. Well thought out, done with a big heart. This is an event!

Ari Ylä-Anttila, Yle, Commissioning Editor

International experts and research

Numerous international experts, ongoing field research and, in some cases, unprecedented imagery provide new information and perspectives on the events. The leading experts in the series are the successful Finnish war author Mika Kulju and one of Sweden´s most respected war historians Lars Gyllenhaal. The series is narrated by actor Peter Franzén.

It’s been a challenging production. We have interviewed around 30 experts from all over Europe, from Russia to the United Kingdom and from Germany to Finland. We’ve been filming field research in the Nordic region, and the covid regulations, lock-downs and travel restrictions in various countries have made the work extremely challenging.

Teemu Hostikka, Executive producer and Screenwriter


Untold Arctic Wars challenges the genre of historical documentaries with its visuals. In addition to the stylized filming, the series relies in part on the power of unseen archive videos and 3D animated archive images that bring the stories to life. The viewer is also kept up in the twists and turns of the events with the help of modern map animations.

We’ve coloured and turned hundreds of old black-and-white photos into 3D. The animated maps alone have taken almost two consecutive years to make. The amount of information and work has been huge for the entire production team working in Northern Finland.

Teemu Hostikka, Executive producer and Screenwriter

The six-part history documentary series will air on Yle Tv1 on February 16, 2022 at 7:00 pm, and the entire series will be available on Yle Areena from February 14, 2022.